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Trouble with browns....

Couleur 4 mai 2019

1 Réponses

I have dark brown hair and it shows next to no red highlights naturally. Whenever I have gone to have my hair dyed, whether it be full head colour or partial with highlights, I ask for brown within red and the last time I asked for mushroom brownshowing images hoping this would help. Every time I cone out with brown hair with major red through it and it is driving me crazy. I never had these issues until we moved to the US and it seems like all colorists are trained the same way because I seem to get the same look despite changing salons and changing the way I ask to be clearer. Not once has anyone said no we cant achieve the look you I aiming for the impossible or is this just an issue that not many clloyrists know how to achieve brown without red?

I have dark brown hair and it shows next to no red highlights naturally. Whenever I have gone to have my hair dyed, whether it be full head colour or partial with highlights, I ask for brown within red and the last time I asked for mushroom brownshowing images hoping this would help. Every time I cone out with brown hair with major red through it and it is driving me crazy. I never had these issues until we moved to the US and it seems like all colorists are trained the same way because I seem to get the same look despite changing salons and changing the way I ask to be clearer. Not once has anyone said no we cant achieve the look you I aiming for the impossible or is this just an issue that not many clloyrists know how to achieve brown without red?

Publié le 4 mai 2019 par Jessica Anderson


1 Réponse

Portfolio de Ashfaq Khan
Publié le 16 août 2023 par Ashfaq Khan

To cancel out the red color and go darker, you'll need to add darkness (a deep brown dye) and a bit of green so you don't just end up with dark red hair. Because red and green are opposites on the color wheel, you can use a dye with a greenish tint to turn the red brown.
for hair loss treatment it's better to visit :

16 août 2023


Trouble with browns....

Trouble with browns....

Ashfaq Khan

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