Consejos & trucos | Tutorial
Strands intertwine give depth to this elegant chignon! Seen on
Consejos & trucos | Tutorial
Hair star at your fingertips! Seen on
Consejos & trucos | Tutorial
The Waterfall Braid sublimates your long hair. Seen on
Compra Inteligente | Productos
The prêt-à-powder by Bumble & Bumble To give a second life to your blow-dry This dry shampoo style extender and volume in a pinch will rub out the oily effect on the roots. This sebum absorber is completely invisible due t...
Estilos & Inspiraciones | Tendencias
Favoured by high fashion designers, the natural hair parade on the most beautiful models in the world. For the Street Style natural fits with all styles and goes easily to every kind of accessories. Tired of colours that look artificial? B...
Con MagentaL, el arte del peinado es audaz y gratificante. Los peluqueros pueden expresar su pasión y aumentar su prestigio ante los clientes y profesionales.
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