Lisciatura e Cheratina
Trattamento brasiliano alla cheratina, stiratura giapponese, stiratura coreana, stiratura permanente per capelli afro, stiratura classica o trattamento lisciante, quale tecnica scegliere, quali risultati, per quale tipo di capelli, che tipo di acconciatura, dove e come realizzarla, i rischi e le allergie, danni sui capelli e cuoio capelluto
Can allergies cause scalp problems?
Ashfaq KhanLisciatura e Cheratina
sabato 23 marzo 2024
0 Risposte
Hypersensitive responses to hair items can disturb the scalp and hair follicles, bringing about tingling. As a rule, the responses are gentle, and any scalp disturbance or irritation is transitory. Notwithstanding, assuming that the bothering continues, it can harm hair follicles and cause balding.
Hypersensitive responses to hair items can disturb the scalp and hair follicles, bringing about tingling. As a rule, the responses are gentle, and any scalp disturbance or irritation is transitory. Notwithstanding, assuming that the bothering continues, it can harm hair follicles and cause balding.