Tendenze di colore, effetto naturale, come coprire i capelli grigi, come eliminare delle meches, che tipo di tinte, colorazione senza ammoniaca, colorazione permanente o semipermanente, quali colori scegliere, quali prodotti utilizzare, i rischi e le allergie, i capelli colorati: problemi
Why my Hair turning yellow?
Carles MautteurTinte
lunedì 17 luglio 2017
0 Risposte
Hi everybody!
Recently decided to dye me hair.
I went for grey/white/silver (if that's even a color lol) and naturally my hair is dark blonde.
So the problem is after a couple of days after dying my hair started turning into more of a blonde color, which makes it look pretty bad. Did anyone else encounter this problem?
I'll be grateful for any tips to get my hair back to their original color.
Thanks in advance
Hi everybody! Recently decided to dye me hair. I went for grey/white/silver (if that's even a color lol) and naturally my hair is dark blonde. So the problem is after a couple of days after dying my hair started turning into more of a blonde color, which makes it look pretty bad. Did anyone else encounter this problem? I'll be grateful for any tips to get my hair back to their original color. Thanks in advance