Consejos & trucos | Tutorial
Strands intertwine give depth to this elegant chignon! Seen on
Consejos & trucos | Tutorial
Hair star at your fingertips! Seen on
Consejos & trucos | Tutorial
The Waterfall Braid sublimates your long hair. Seen on
Especial PRO | Business
Christmas is the best opportunity of the year to treat yourself and go to the hairdresser! It is also the long-awaited period for hair managers to increase their annual earnings. We must not neglect this great moment of consuming by taking adv...
Consejos & trucos | Video
Vídeo de peinado tomado de YouTube
Con MagentaL, el arte del peinado es audaz y gratificante. Los peluqueros pueden expresar su pasión y aumentar su prestigio ante los clientes y profesionales.
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