Tips & Tricks | Professional Advice

Hair loss, Well understand for a better care

Tuesday, October 18, 2016 | Fanny Ceresa
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Hairs grow, fall and are constantly renewed. It's called the hair-follicule cycle. This included three phases: growth (anagen), rest (catagen) and fall (telogen phase).

The length of the hair cycle is 2 to 4 years for men, 4-6 years for women. When hair dies, it is immediately replaced by another, and fall only 2-4 months later, once pushed by the new hair.

One person has between 100,000 and 150,000 hairs. Depending on the density of hair, the daily lost is about 40 to 100 hairs, throughout the day with higher loss of 150 during seasonal changes. Seasonal hair loss is temporary and normal, it mainly occurs in spring and autumn.

In medical terms, hair loss is called ”alopecia”. When the hair loss during more than 2/3 months there is a beginning of alopecia.

Causes are many, to understand them and treat them better, Collection Hair drive you to the problem’s roots. 



Photo Rene Furterer


They is 2 category of alopecia:


1) Androgenic alopecia: due to hormones (androgens) and inherited genes that gradually slow hair growth until its complete end. This is related to a genetic predisposition. It often occurs after 50 years but in some cases from 18 years old.

Men are affected mainly by this alopecia. Very often hereditary, paternal and especially maternal ancestors (mother or maternal grandfather) are very influent.

This hair loss generally begins by thinning of the hair on the crown and temples. Treatments can slow the process and stabilize the hair cycle. More the alopecia is caught in time; more the chances of success are high. Be carful to the miracle products, it is best to refer to a professional (hairdresser, specialist dermatologist).

To face this problem women remain a minority but are not completely spared. Usually, hair thins on the top of the head.

Except genetic predisposition, a hormonal imbalance may cause alopecia. Thyroid or menopause is the main cause. In this case it is advisable to consult a doctor, gynaecologist or endocrinologist.


2) No Androgenic alopecia: due to non-hormonal causes. Usually temporary and reversible, the loss is more impressive than serious. To remedy this sudden alopecia is better to understand its origin. By avoiding the adverse effects of the hair growth the results are most visible.

The treatments are much more effective with good reflexes (see art. Hair loss, how to fix it?).

Here are the different factors that can cause a loss of hair:

  • Postpartum hair loss (after childbirth): often a deficiency of vitamins, extreme fatigue and hormonal changes.


  • Sickness and fever, the immune system is weakened, hair suffer the consequences.


  • Scalp disease (skin, psoriasis, eczema, seborrhoea) can suffocate the hair and stop a normal growth.


  • Overwork, stress, depression, emotional shock reinforces the harmful influence of androgens that are very bad for the hair growth.


  • Drugs: some treatments have side effects contributing to the baldness. The prescribing physician or the instructions for use can inform these disadvantages (often involved antidepressants and oral contraceptives). Chemotherapy and radiation therapy cause a heightened fall with an almost total hair loss. The hair growth again when the treatment is finished.


  • Bad nutrition: fat and sugar excess as well as deficiencies in B vitamins, iron, zinc, magnesium and protein can be the cause of hair loss.


  • Pollution and tobacco: are devastating for the beauty and health of your skin and your hair.


  • Surgical procedure or general anaesthesia: more the surgery and anaesthesia are heavier and bigger is the risk of a temporary loss of hair.



Do not mixed up between baldness and broken hair.

Hair loss treatments will not solve the problem. Special attention and special care will help strengthen the broken hair.


_ Technical hair service badly made ​​or too frequently performed as dyeing, bleaching, permanent straightening, blow-drying or smoothing plates can sensitize the hair and break it.


_ The falling by traction: the extension of long-term port can cause baldness. The extension weight pulls the hair and can even break it. The regrowth are thinner, hair thins and inflammation or irritation may appear where extensions are fixed.

It is prudent to ask for a specialist and remove the extensions after 3 to 5 months.



3) Other forms of alopecia:


Alopecia areata: is hair loss per pieces. Hairless areas more or less large are formed by "patch" well defined. This disease acts as an autoimmune mechanism that fights the hair. In most cases the hair grows back by themselves after a few months without the need for treatment. Sometimes there is a tuft of white hair regrowth.


It affects both men and women and often manifests before age 20. It can be frequent and recurrent in the same individual.


Experts are still unable to determine the cause of the disease and do not know the prognosis of aggravation. Treatments are still insufficient because they do not prevent recurrence. However, in severe cases, they can stimulate or accelerate growth. It is advisable to consult a dermatologist if alopecia areata is significant or persistent.


Trichotillomania: habit of twisting the hair and pull it off. This impulsive behaviour may be irregular or continuously, at an intensity and a variable location. The trichotillomane pull off his hair causing partial alopecia on affected areas.


This medical condition can be evidence of a mental disorder. The causes of OCD are not clearly defined. Crises can be caused by stress, anxiety, bored, or depression following trauma.


There are several types of therapies: relaxation training, hypnosis, psychological treatment, behavioral psychotherapy, or eventually antidepressants.




Hairs grow, fall and are constantly renewed. It's called the hair-follicule cycle. This included three phases: growth (anagen), rest (catagen) and fall (telogen phase).

The length of the hair cycle is 2 to 4 years for men, 4-6 years for women. When hair dies, it is immediately replaced by another, and fall only 2-4 months later, once pushed by the new hair.

One person has between 100,000 and 150,000 hairs. Depending on the density of hair, the daily lost is about 40 to 100 hairs, throughout the day with higher loss of 150 during seasonal changes. Seasonal hair loss is temporary and normal, it mainly occurs in spring and autumn.

In medical terms, hair loss is called ”alopecia”. When the hair loss during more than 2/3 months there is a beginning of alopecia.

Causes are many, to understand them and treat them better, Collection Hair drive you to the problem’s roots. 



Photo Rene Furterer

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Hair loss, Well understand for a better care
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