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Long Hair Bun Step by Step.
Tips & Tricks | Tutorial
Strands intertwine give depth to this elegant chignon! Seen on camillestyles.com
Homemade Glamour Hairstyle
Tips & Tricks | Tutorial
Hair star at your fingertips! Seen on bobbyglam.com
How To Create The Waterfall
Tips & Tricks | Tutorial
The Waterfall Braid sublimates your long hair. Seen on oncewed.com
Short and feminine
Styles & Inspirations | Trends
Who has never dreamed of a sexy cut with short hair? The boyish cuts doesn’t stick to their name… By releasing our femininity they conquered the woman of the 21st century. Sensual look, spontaneous or modern, the short hairstyle r...
Pigments to infinity
Smart Shopping | Products
Nutri Color Creme _ Revlon Treats, brightens and maintenance all colors. Purple, copper, red, brown, blond, beige ... no less than 15 different shades for hair color loss. Real personalized care, it revives a reflection of your colo...