A charming updo braided as a fishtail. Seen on hairromance.com
Long Hair Bun Step by Step.
Tips & Tricks | Tutorial
Strands intertwine give depth to this elegant chignon! Seen on camillestyles.com
Homemade Glamour Hairstyle
Tips & Tricks | Tutorial
Hair star at your fingertips! Seen on bobbyglam.com
How To Create The Waterfall
Tips & Tricks | Tutorial
The Waterfall Braid sublimates your long hair. Seen on oncewed.com
Fruits & Softness for Children.
Smart Shopping | Products
Shampoo_ Tendresse Kids For moms and Greener! This is a shampoo for children with delicious scent of peach. The soothing and energizing power of white peach makes this an ideal shampoo for children. Paraben and silico...
Tips For Rustic Hairstyle
Tips & Tricks | Tutorial
A natural hairstyle in a very simple way. Seen on bysandrapedersen.wordpress.com