A charming updo braided as a fishtail. Seen on hairromance.com
Long Hair Bun Step by Step.
Tips & Tricks | Tutorial
Strands intertwine give depth to this elegant chignon! Seen on camillestyles.com
Homemade Glamour Hairstyle
Tips & Tricks | Tutorial
Hair star at your fingertips! Seen on bobbyglam.com
How To Create The Waterfall
Tips & Tricks | Tutorial
The Waterfall Braid sublimates your long hair. Seen on oncewed.com
The triumph of Tie & Dye
Styles & Inspirations | Trends
A success story! Adopted by celebrity and fashion victim the tie & dye caused a furore! Everything began with the Californian surfers with their golden hair much lighter on the spikes. Also called “shadow hair” it is more t...
The Cleansing Care for oily scalp
Smart Shopping | Products
Curbicia _ Lightness regulating shampoo with absorbent clay Fed up with oily hair? René Furterer has devised a clay mask as a shampoo. Easy to use, it regulates sebum production, provides deep cleansing and ant...