Long hair and medium length

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What is considered short and medium hair?

Long hair and medium length Tuesday, August 27, 2024

0 Answers

I generally considered hair that is on normal under 4″ long to be short hair. Hair that is around 8″ long or descends to your facial structure or a little underneath, to be medium-length hair, and hair that is around 12″ long or descends to your shoulders or a little beneath, to be long hair https://www.elixir.org.pk/

I generally considered hair that is on normal under 4″ long to be short hair. Hair that is around 8″ long or descends to your facial structure or a little underneath, to be medium-length hair, and hair that is around 12″ long or descends to your shoulders or a little beneath, to be long hair

Published on Tuesday, August 27, 2024 by Ashfaq Khan


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